Fairfax Art League
Upcoming Events
Please visit the FAL Virtual Gallery.
We have resumed our monthly art demo series. Our next demo is on Jan 15, 2022.
In case you missed one of the previous art demos, the recordings are available on our YouTube page.
Monthly Art demonstrations
Jan Antonio Masi
Feb Name Here
With the ongoing situation with COVID, FAL has decided this will be a free membership year for 2021. This applies to both new and existing members. If you are already a member, there is no need to do anything. For new members, please contact us using the membership form.
Monthly Newsletter
Kathyn Higgins, founder member, FAL
About the Fairfax Art League
FAL was started in 1986 and became a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation in 1988. Today, the Fairfax Art League is about fifty-members strong, offering a variety of art activities.
Collage of Members’ works
FAL Online Gallery
The FAL online art gallery is finally taking shape. We aim to have a good representation of all our artists.
FAL members on an art trip to Lorton Arts.
FAL Membership
Membership at FAL provides great volunteer opportunities and benefits. FAL has a permanent gallery at Old Town Hall, Fairfax, where art shows, and receptions for members and the general public are held.